21 June 2008

slave to the grind

I'm humbled by the overwhelming response to my desperate plea for help. Stop it, please everyone. I'm afraid my server will crash under the weight of all your responses flooding in. Really I'm so touched by your concern, but you can stop now, now that I know how much you truly care. Ha ha.

I'm no closer to making a solid decision. Instead I'm casting my net wide to see what bites. Resumé-blasting away! (psst if you have any hiring capabilities, holla back!)

Sigh. Truth be told I can't imagine myself going back to corporate world & all its fixings: the water coolers, 1-hour lunch breaks, office politics, office gossip, 9-5, etc, etc, etc. But it seems that's where the money is for me. So I do it, & I can be good at it. But then I burn out every 2 years & blow it all on periodic travel excursions. Like this! Rinse & repeat cycle.

And then, one of my standard blog reads posted this article, "Why Travelers Don't Have Careers." Like manna from Heaven & food for thought...

In the meantime, & the downtimes, I got a casual job writing. Can I write? I dunno, you tell me. Or not. :)

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