22 June 2008

the beautiful game

If you're like me, futbol-mad (well, futbol-player-mad) & on the Pacific side of the planet, then you must be frustrated & sleep-deprived as well. The Euro 2008 games are ongoing as we speak, but being so many time zones away from Austria/Switzerland (the venues this year), I have to be up by a telly every early morning from 2:45-5AM. Madness! I have yet to see a complete game before zzzzzzzzzzzz.

But I love this game. Think of how many world wars are prevented just by having these boys sweat & pummel out all their aggression in the name of patriotism. Or how this is the woman's fantasy version of a "Mr. Universe" pageant.

God bless the tech nerds who came up with the idea to stream these games live online for those of us not lucky enough to have the proper channels to watch.

Check the schedules here.

Spain vs. Italy tonight! (Viva Espana!!!)

Watch live video from MYSPORTS 1 on Justin.tv

(if you get a "not broadcasting" message it means there's no game currently on, thank you come again. If there is one going on, hitting refresh should sort you out)

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