In pictures:
1) My bedroom dresser. The world map is marked with all the places I am hitting in the next few months to remind me why I am doing all this.
2) Housewarming gifts from all our partays. The tile says "Home Sweet Apartment"- so very New York City.
3) My fridge. I collect magnets from every place I go. The cats broke my porcelain magnet from Capri, but the Armani model lounging in a boat in Capri compensates well.
4) The daycare below me. In this last month of unemployment, I've been awoken every morning by the sound of little children singing the hokey pokey.
Today I packed it all up & shipped it out. My life yet again packed neatly (ok, harriedly) away in boxes. I've done it so many times before but somehow I never seem to get any better at it, & it's so draining & I swear I'll never do it again, but that's always a lie. And it only gets harder as I get older & accumulate more, because I thought that's what adults do- settle & nest. But when it comes time to relocate, I again curse my materialistic weakness for shoes & again consider just trashing it all in favor of a Zen existence unburdened by unnatural attachments to inanimate objects. My hands are mangled, my muscles are aching, my eyebags are glaring, & I have half a brain left. All I want to do is collapse onto my huge queen feather bed & curl up in the fetal position & whimper, but I can't, because now there is no huge queen feather bed.
I am exhausted. Exhausted exhausted exhausted.
And now to get ready for my going away party. Some things just can't be avoided. ;)