17 March 2009

erin go bragh!

Happy St. Patrick's Day internets!

While I myself am not Irish by blood, nor have I ever visited the country, I do have a special affinity for this day and generally all things Irish because the country happens to be my namesake. Hey, any excuse to drink beer and engage in hooliganism during daylight hours.

From Wikipedia:

Erin is a Hiberno-English derivative of the Irish word "Éirinn". ("Éirinn" is the dative case of the Irish word for Ireland - "Éire", genitive "Éireann"). According to Irish mythology and folklore, the name was originally given to the island by the Milesians after the goddess Ériu. Poets and nineteenth-century Irish nationalists used Erin in English as a romantic name for Ireland. In this context, along with Hibernia, Erin is the name sometimes given to the female of Ireland. Erin go bragh ("Éirinn go brách" in standard orthography), a slogan dating from the 1798 revolution, is often translated as "Ireland forever". The etymological history of the word as it drifted throughout the Gaelic region gave rise to its use by the early Scots to both mean Ireland and "west" - as Ireland lies to the west of Scotland.

Here's wishing that you find your lucky charms today and have a not-so-painful hangover tomorrow! Now pass them carbombs this way.

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